We developed a novel framework for the optimal planning of urban renewable systems.
Systems’ emissions and economic considerations are included for planning.
Impact of different load profiles on the systems’ life-cycle cost is studied.
Cost-benefit analysis of integrating natural gas with urban renewables is assessed.
The developed approach is applied to a model city (Victoria, Canada).
Urban electrification with renewables is a crucial strategy for achieving low-carbon and climate-resilient communities. Given the different types of power customers (e.g., residential, commercial and industrial), this work develops a systematic and straightforward framework for the optimal planning of urban solar/wind/biomass (/natural gas) systems at neighbourhood scale using the actual real-time hourly electric loads. In achieving this objective, we defined three power scenarios (i) 100% natural gas; (ii) natural gas and renewables; (iii) 100% renewables (e.g., solar/wind/biomass) and identified the hybrid systems with the least NPC for each of the three power scenarios. Our results indicate that providing per kilowatt-hour renewable electricity to the industrial sector (0.385?USD/kWh) costs 4% less than the commercial (0.399?USD/kWh) and about 5% less than the residential sector (0.418?USD/kWh) at neighbourhood scales. The more significant cost of electricity (COE) of the residential system is primarily due to the greater batteries to solar PV fractions. Also, COE of solar/wind/biomass plant showed to be three times less than the equivalent solar/wind power system. Likewise, by integrating a low-emission natural gas (NG) generator to the hybrid solar/wind/biomass plant, the system's COE reduced by 30% while resulting in close to three order-of-magnitude higher annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To address the model accuracy concerning the uncertainty and variations associated with input variables, we further conducted the sensitivity analysis of the systems' COE address the model accuracy concerning the uncertainty and variations associated with input variables by changes in the discount rate and capital cost of the PV panels and batteries. As a result, systems’ COE was detected to be more sensitive to the capital cost of batteries than solar panels. This study can help decision-makers in developing more effective policies and mechanisms to support the urban hybrid renewable energy systems.
Urban electrification
Hybrid renewable power system
Load patterns
Neighborhood scales
City of Victoria
Fig. 1. A schematic plot of the three proposed power scenarios (a) 100% natural gas, (b) natural gas and renewables (c) 100% renewables.
Fig. 2. Daily radiation and clearness index profile (a), wind speed (b) profiles for Victoria.
Fig. 7. Sectoral cost breakdown by (a) types (b) components of 100% renewables (scenario iii).